Countless dedicated, unselfish individuals who have dedicated their lives for the service of others deserve our gratitude. Whether they are Veterans, emergency first responders, or simply one of millions of ordinary citizens who voluntarily make sacrifices to help someone. That
Avicii’s Lack of Estate Plan Highlights Why You Should Have a Plan in Place
When you die without a plan in place, your wishes regarding all that you leave behind are unrealized. You do not have any say in what happens to any of the property or financial assets, and those you leave behind
Understanding Trusts
When you create a trust, you are creating an asset. You are utilizing resources, in order to protect the financial interests of yourself or your designated loved ones. Depending on the type of trust, you can find yourself shaping your
Legal Aspect of Aging [Episode 43]
Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell and Susan Arthur discuss the range of legal options you may qualify for as you age. They break down some of the issues that the middle class face, in qualifying for Medicaid. Mr. Cordell also explains the
The Importance Of Elder Law And Estate Planning [episode 1]
Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell discusses important decisions concerning health, finances, and long-term care that aging adults are often faced with and offers smart strategies to plan for the future.