As you get older, how you pay for your living expenses, as well as any care you may require, becomes more of a pressing issue. If you are a senior without a plan in place, you may react like many
Assuring Your Children’s Future Security Can Start Right Away
Giving to those we love can be a joyful experience, and that is especially true for most parents. Some people’s warmest memories probably include giving presents to their young children and sharing in the resulting happy reactions. As you and
Virginia Man Leaves Nursing Home for Holiday Inn, Due to Costs
When you are planning for your future, you need to understand the financial aspects of every decision that you make. You need to know how much your plans and the care you will require will cost. You also need to
Medicaid Can Assist Your Long-Term Needs
As millions of America’s Baby Boomers transition into their older years, many are understandably concerned about their future living arrangements and long-term health care. Such worries may be especially troubling if your personal financial situation and estate plans are not
Planning For Life After Age 60 [episode 16]
Attorney-CPA Joe Cordell details the important components needed to help plan for a secure and enjoyable life after age 60.